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There’s an episode of “Friends” where Rachel is told that she has to be retrained as a waitress because, she’s basically terrible. And to her employer, she says, “Okay, fine. Gunther, y'know what, I am a terrible waitress. Do you know why I’m a terrible waitress? Because, I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care which pot is regular and which pot is decaf, I don’t care where the tray spot is, I just don’t care, and this is not what I want to do.”


And that my friends, is what I could have said to 100 percent of my previous employers. I’m not a great worker. I’m just not. I worked food service for years, cleaned luxury homes, did QA for a digital organization, customer service for said organization, retail, and you guys, I was bad at all of it. To me, the minutiae of what has to be done, what should be done, to what exactness— gahh, it's just boring.


Well, I have yet to be fired, and I believe there's actually a simple reason for that: I'm kinda fun.


I love myself a good time, but as you can imagine, I am a human being, so I am not so terribly one-dimensional. Just like you, my passions are wide-ranging, but a lot of it has to do with human behavior, relationships, mental, emotional and physical health, art and more.


I’ve been on the lookout for a podcast, book— something— that goes into all of these subjects while also helping me feel excited and I don’t know, even amused.


Enter, “Why so Serious?” A podcast where we discuss the things that matter most. A place where we chat with brilliant and hilarious minds, that widen our perspective and share words that resonate and speak to our souls. And this is also the place where we leave feeling a little emotionally lighter, every time we listen.


So go on ahead, crack open that Dr. Pepper, or whatever your poison might be, and let’s just have a good time.  


This podcast will go into subjects all across the board, from marriage to mental health, but ultimately this is what we hope you gain from listening to each episode:


  • A more upbeat, positive outlook on your present moment

  • New thoughts and ideas that will change the way you view your life presently

  • Information that isn't overwhelming and makes you feel empowered and excited to go forward in becoming your best self

  • All this, while making you feel like you're just having a chat with your sarcastic, sassy friend.


Q: You reference Dr. Pepper a lot. Is that your drink of choice?

A: It's actually 3/4 Dr. Pepper and 1/4 Diet. Need that sugar and aspartame, gotta catch em all, know what I mean?

Q: Have you always wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom?

A: The short answer is, no. The long answer is... long. But, I'm in love with it, and I don't see me not doing this stay-at-home-mom thing any time soon. It's like the dress your mom told you to try on, that you thought was ugly on the hanger. But you tried it on, and it fits you perfect; almost like it was made for you.

Q: What are your thoughts on parents telling their children there is no Santa Claus at a very young age?

A: I mean, live and let live, but this is a TERRIBLE idea. Probably the worst one you've ever had.

Q: Are you religious? And will it ever sneak its way into the podcast?

A: Sure am! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I will more than likely make some references to this, because it plays a large role in my life, but no matter your religious or non-religious beliefs, there's a place for you here!

Q: I don't really like Harry Potter. Is that going to be a problem if I want to be your friend?

A: I mean, no. Yes. No. Definitely. OK, I don't know for sure— It's just circumstantial. My in-laws don't like Harry Potter, and I still like them, so there's a possibility we could make it work.

Q: Why do you talk about mental health?

A: My husband has depression, and I have anxiety, and that can be a crazy mix. We've learned to laugh at how ridiculous the combo can be, and hope other people can benefit from what we've learned along the way!

Q: Can I date your husband?

A: If you enjoy cooking and cleaning and are less attractive than me, I don't see why that would be a problem.

Q: Do you think you know everything? Is that why you started a podcast?

Yes.  And yes. 

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